Fast Delivery (2 To 7 Days)
Delivery Terms
- Transit Time Domestically
In general, domestic shipments are in transit for 2 - 7 days. All hot sale products are stock in:
- United States
- Germany
- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- United Arab Emirates
- Brazil
Please confirm the shipping location before purchase, or be notified after your order dispatched.
- Transit time Internationally
Generally, orders shipped internationally are in transit for 10 - 25 days. This varies greatly depending on the destination country. All sale products are stock in China. You can confirm the shipping location before purchase, or be notified after your order dispatched.
Duties & Taxes
- Sales Tax
Sales tax has already been applied to the price of the goods as displayed on the website.
- Import Duties & Taxes
Import duties and taxes for international shipments will be prepaid, without any additional fees to be paid by customer upon arrival in destination country.