How to Convert RGB to CMYK ?

Difference between RGB and CMYK are their purposes. When we view the same image on an electronic screen and in print, we may notice they are differences for color. This is mainly because screens use the RGB color model (colors created by light), while printing uses the CMYK model (colors produced by mixing inks). To reduce these color differences, it's important to convert RGB to CMYK.

What Are RGB and CMYK? 

RGBb includes red, green, and blue. It cannot be used for printing because it represents light source colors, which are colors that are directly emitted to our eyes without any reflection. Images on various electronic screens are created using the RGB color model.

On the other hand, CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. It is a pigment based color model, referring to the colors that are reflected into our eyes after light hits the surface of an object. After the light is reflected, some color information is absorbed by the surface of the object. As a result, CMYK contains fewer colors compared to the RGB model, which directly projects light to the eyes.

However, the preferred color model for printing is CMYK. If an image is designed using RGB, the colors seen on a monitor will inevitably lose some color information when printed on real paper. This is because directly printing in RGB mode may not accurately convert to CMYK colors. Therefore, it is crucial to convert RGB images to CMYK before printing.

When to use RGB and CMYK?

When designing for screens such as websites and apps, the RGB (Red Green Blue) color model should be utilized. This color system mixes light to create an extensive spectrum of hues which makes it perfect for digital displays like photos and graphics on phones or computers.

If your project will be printed, such as a flyer or business card, CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) should be used instead. This model uses ink to mix colors, making it the standard method for printing.

Simply stated, RGB is designed for screens while CMYK can be used in print production. Simply choose the most applicable one based on what project you're tackling.


What are the differences betweent RGB and CMYK? We've put together the following table to make it easier for everyone to understand the differences between them.


RGB Mode



Red, Green, Blue

Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black

Use Cases

Digital screens
(websites, phones, TVs)

Print materials
(posters, flyers, business cards)

Color Mode

Additive mixing

Subtractive mixing

Color Result

Mix to create white

Mix to create black

Color Range

16.7 million color possibilities

16K color possibilities


Brighter, more vibrant colors

Darker, muted colors





Computers, Phones, TVs

Inkjet, Offset printing

File Sizes

Smaller file sizes

Larger file sizes

File Formats



Best For

Digital design, websites, apps, photography

Print design, advertising, publications

How to Convert RGB to CMYK (Step-by-step Guide)?

Converting Using Design Software

Adobe Photoshop

  1. Open Your File: Go to File > Open and select the image you want to convert.
  2. Convert to CMYK: Go to Image > Mode > CMYK Color. (This changes the color mode from RGB to CMYK.) 
  3. Save the File:  Go to File > Save As and save the file in a print-friendly format like TIFF or PDF.

Adobe Illustrator

1.Open Your File

    • Launch Adobe Illustrator.
    • Go to File > Open and select the document you want to convert.

2.Check Current Color Mode

    • Go to File > Document Color Mode.
    • If "RGB Color" is checked, you’re in RGB mode.

3.Convert to CMYK

    • Go to File > Document Color Mode > CMYK Color.
    • This will change the document to CMYK mode. 

4.Adjust Colors (Optional)

    • Colors may look slightly duller after the conversion. Use the Color Panel or Recolor Artwork tool to fine-tune them.

5.Save the File

    • Go to File > Save As.
    • Choose a suitable format for printing, such as PDF or EPS.

Other Tools


    1. Open File: File > Open.
    2. Convert to CMYK: Tools > Color Management > Default Settings > Choose CMYK.
    3. Save File: Save as PDF or EPS.


    1. Open File: File > Open.
    2. Install Plugin: Use Separate+ or CMYKTools.
    3. Convert to CMYK: Image > Separate > Separate.
    4. Export File: File > Export As TIFF or PDF.

Convert RGB to CMYK Online

Converting RGB to CMYK online is simple using any of the numerous free converters and tools available online. Simply upload an RGB image or design file, and the tool will convert it to the ideal printing color mode of CMYK. Many platforms support common file formats like JPEG, PNG and PDF for conversion purposes. Make sure that when converted files meet desired color accuracy requirements since RGB and CMYK ranges differ significantly when printed professionally . This process is essential when creating brochures, posters or business cards for professional printing. You can use following websites to convert RGB to CMYK.


Troubleshooting Tips

Colors Appear Dull

Colors may look dull after converting from RGB to CMYK due to CMYK’s narrower color range. To fix this, increase saturation or adjust individual hues (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) in your design software. Use tools like curves or levels to fine-tune the colors for better print output.

Unexpected Color Shifts

Color shifts can occur from incorrect profiles or mismatched settings. Always check that you’ve selected the correct CMYK Coated v2 profile before converting. If necessary, adjust the color balance for more accurate printing.

Excessive Ink Coverage

Too much ink can cause smudging and poor print quality. Most printers recommend keeping total ink coverage under 300% to ensure proper absorption. Track this in your design software and consider reducing intensity or using lighter shades to avoid issues.


RGB and CMYK serve different functions. RGB images should be converted to CMYK before printing to ensure accurate results. RGB utilizes light for a wider color range while inks create narrower hues in printing processes. To ensure precise print results, you should convert RGB images to CMYK before producing any print work.


What is the difference between RGB and CMYK?

As mentioned above, RGB is for digital displays, while CMYK is for printing.

Can you convert RGB to CMYK without losing color quality?

Some color shifts are inevitable due to the different color gamuts, but manual adjustments can help minimize these changes. Always preview your colors after conversion for the best results.

What software is best for RGB to CMYK conversion?

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are industry standards for professional color management.

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